The Education Bureau (EDB) strongly urges all children attending kindergarten to have checked their temperature prior to coming to school, each and every day. This is to ensure all children are fit and well to access all areas of the kindergarten’s daily programme and to alert you to the signs of the onset of illness.
If the temperature is over 99.5 deg F or 37.5 deg C (orally) / 100.4 deg F or 38 deg C (by ear), he/she should not attend school and should consult a doctor promptly. Parents/Guardians should record their child’s temperature and sign on the record sheets daily in the Communication Book. these record sheets should be kept up to date at all times.
Children with symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting or diarrhoea should not attend school. Any child who displays these symptoms should stay at home and an email should be sent to school.
In addition any adult who feels unwell should send another adult to drop off/collect their child and not enter the school. Please inform the kindergarten of any changes in pick-up arrangements.
We have an excellent hygiene regime in place and would like your support to keep our kindergarten a safe and healthy place for your child.
Children bring their own snack and drink to school every day. Please provide your child’s snack in one named box and one named water container with water only (no milk, juice etc). Too many boxes are difficult for children to manage. Children are encouraged to be responsible for their own snacks, putting them away when they arrive and again before they go home. Please help your child practise opening and closing their own snack box before they start school.
We encourage a healthy snack only. Fruit, whole-wheat bread sandwiches, cheese or vegetables and the like are very good for growing bodies. Any crisps, chocolate, candy, etc will be sent back home again. The kindergarten also has a “NO-NUTS” policy and this also includes any products that “may contain traces of nuts” or foods that are cooked in nut-based oils. We do not encourage children to share food. Your awareness and support is extremely important in ensuing the safety of the children with allergies.
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